Professional goofball.
Looking back on 2023
It's been quite the year (which I can say about every year, I suppose). Let's get reflective.
Creative freedom vs the "niche"
Creative work is, by and large, a place for experimentation, exploration, and joy. So why have we boxed ourselves into artistic "niches" instead of allowing ourselves the freedom to create?
Why I'm hardcoding my website...again
I've tried far too many website builders. And none of them work. So I, a photographer and writer, am coding my own website. And I think you should, too.
Congrats! We've ruined the internet.
What began as a tool for discovery and connection has since become a mess of auto-generated, SEO-optimized, garbage. So what can we do about it?
A note on digital gardens
The notion of a "digital garden" has intrigued me for a while. In fact, I've come to think it might be a great way to think about the internet as a whole.